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THE FOURTH  VISITATION IS ABOUT THE DEATH OF JESUS And  BENEVOLENT PROMISE OF HIS KINGDOM AFTER DEATH . Nevertheless, it’s also to promulgate to most Reverend Sam Korankye Ankrah that his mother is received  royally in heaven after her untimely death

The religious leaders plot to arrest and kill Jesus , so they sent some of their supporters to trap him by interrogating Jesus so that if He answer their queries ferociously it will lead to his arrest .They asked him pleas we know that you preach the word of God honestly, faithfully and impartially , tell us do we have to pay tax to Caesar? Are we even supposed to pay tax? Jesus saw through their hypocrisy and said to them why are you trying to trap me? Bring me a roman coin, they brought Him the roman coin and he asked them whose picture, stamp or signature is on it? Caesar`s, they replied. so He said to them give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give unto God what belongs unto God. His replied completely amazed them so they could not arrest Him. **Mark 12:12-17**

Judas went to tell the Religious leaders by discussing how he could betray Jesus to the leading priests and captain of the temple guards . They were delighted and promised to pay him some money and he became very optimistic and was conglomerating remedies to betray Jesus . *Luke 22:1-6**

They were eating and Jesus said, here at this table is one of you who will betray me because it is determined that the son of man must die but what sorrow awaits the one through whom He is betrayed .The disciples vigorously and spontaneously began asking each other, so who will betray Jesus?

**Luke 21:23**

Judas was not perturbed by the warning of Jesus but rather very pessimistic if he will actually be paid if he succeed in betraying Jesus. Tantalizingly, he could not keep himself on a tenterhook but run to the Religious leaders and asked how much he will be paid if he lead them to arrest Jesus and he was paid thirty pieces of silver and has been given the opportunity to betray Jesus. **Matthew 26:14-16**

In the evening, they were eating again when Jesus predicted again that one of them will betray him. The disciples were asking Him one after the other, will I be the one to betray You? Then he replied, the one that will betray me is eating with me here at this table. But the calamity, catastrophe, agony or egregiousness that will befall the one who will betray him, it will be better that such a person might not even be born on earth . Pretenders they say do things that are aggravated, Judas who have already been paid thirty pieces of silver coins to betray Jesus, surprisingly asked, will I be the one to betray you?, Jesus replied, you have just said it yourself!!! **Matthew 26:20- 25**

Optimistically, Judas led the religious leaders with their soldiers to arrest Jesus, he kissed him and Jesus crooned, Judas do you have to betray the Son of a man with a kiss? A disciple asked, Jesus should we strike? because we are with the swords. Peter drew up his sword and cut off one of the ear of the soldiers of the religious leaders, indeed he who leaves by the sword die by the sword, but Jesus scream permit even this, He touched the ear and  it was as if nothing happened to the ear whiles the blood which was oozing profusely stopped with immediate effect . Jesus asked, why have you come against me with swords like a criminal? Why did you not arrest me at the temple when I was preaching the word of God? Truly when a crocodile comes from a bank of a river to the effect that another crocodile is dead there is no tangible or pragmatic reason to vehemently doubt it. There is no river that flows through forest without breaking down trees, when the cloud gathers and did not rain the wind blows, the powers of darkness overshadow the powers of sunshine and this led to the arrest of JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH .

**LUKE 22:47-53.**

Fortunately or unfortunately, Judas run to the religious leaders , I have sin, I have betrayed an innocent man who committed no crime. He is a novice, but the religious leaders retorted what does this mean to us? Go and salvage your predicaments yourself, Judas threw all the thirty pieces of silver to the religious leaders and then went to hang himself to death. *Matthew 27 : 1 -5*

Jesus was taken away and peter followed him, a lady pointed fingers at him as a follower of Jesus but peter denied he did not know Him, he denied knowing Jesus the second time and vehemently denied knowing Jesus the third time and the roster crowd. At that egregious moment Jesus turned to look at Peter who remembered his words and he guiltily and shamelessly cried interminably.   **Luke 22:54-62.**

The soldiers of the religious leaders began beating Jesus and blind folded him whiles they sheepishly asked him who beat you? Prophecies to us, who slap you? They asked him are you the son of God? Then He said if  I answer you, you will not believe it, if  I ask you a question you will not be able to answer me, but any moment from now I will be seated at the powerful right hand of God. They all shouted are you claiming to be the son of God? He answered you just said it yourselves.** Luke 22:63-71**


 When he was taken to King Pilate, they conglomerated fabricated stories and blasphemously spoke against Him that He said they should not pay tax to Caesar and was pompously claiming to be a Messiah and a King . So Pilate asked him are you a King? He replied you said that I am. Pilate turned to the leading priests and the crowd and said I have seen nothing wrong with HIM . **Luke 23:1-4**

But they all shouted give him to us to kill, Pilate argued with them because he wanted to release Jesus , but the crowd was perpetually shouting crucify Him! Crucify Him!! Crucify Him!!! For the third time, Pilate demanded from the crowd to know the crime committed by Jesus because he has found nothing wrong with Jesus to sentence him to death, so he want Him flogged and released . Instead, the crowd was still shouting crucify Him until Jesus was released by Pilate to be crucified . **Luke 23:18- 25**

Jesus was crucified in the middle of two criminals, whiles He was been nailed at the cross He Said FATHER FORGIVE THEM, FOR THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING .Then the criminal on His left hand said are you not the one who said you are messiah? The savior of life and the King of the Jews? Save yourself and us whiles you are at it, but the criminal on the right hand said don’t you fear the Lord, we are criminals and deserve to die

criminals death but He is not, then he said to Jesus please remember me when you go to your Kingdom. Jesus replied I assure you that you will be with me in paradise today. **Luke 23:33-43**

At noon , darkness feel across the whole land and at exactly 3pm, Jesus cried and shouted Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani? Which means when translated, Father, Father why have you abandoned me? Some of the people standing close to him misunderstood Him and thought he was calling on prophet Elijah whiles the soldiers mocked at Him by socking sponge with a wine on a stick to rob his mouth.** MARK 15 : 33 - 36**

Then Jesus shouted, “Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands!”* And with those words he breathed his last. When the Roman officer* overseeing the execution saw what had happened, He worshiped God and said, “Surely Jesus was innocent,*” And when all the crowd that came to see the crucifixion saw what had happened, they went home in deep sorrow.* But Jesus friends, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood at a distance watching. **LUKE 23 : 46 - 49**

Now there was a good righteous man named Joseph. He was a member of the Jewish high council but he had not agreed with the decision and actions of the other religious leaders .He was from the town of Arimathea and was waiting for the Kingdom of God to come. He went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Then he took the body down from the cross and wrapped it in a long sheet of linen cloth and laid it in the tomb that have been carved out of very hard or strong rocks . This was done late on Friday afternoon , the day of preparation as the Sabbath was about to begin . As the body of Jesus Christ of Nazareth was taken away , the women from Galilee followed and saw where His body was buried . So they went home to get at their disposal some spices and ointments to anoint the body of Jesus . But by the time they were finished the Sabbath had begun, so they rested as required by the law . **Luke 23:50-56**

Saturday evening , when the Sabbath ended, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome went out and purchased burial spices so they could anoint Jesus body. Very early on Sunday morning, just as sunrises, they went to the tomb. Rhetorically , they fabled, asking who will roll away the stones from the entrance of the tomb ? But as they arrived at the tomb, they saw the stone which was very large and impregnable has already been rolled away. Then, surprisingly they saw an angel in pure white cloth sitting at the right side of the tomb whilst they were very dumbfounded and perplexed . But the angel asked them why are you looking for the living among the dead? You are looking for Jesus Christ of Nazareth who was crucified. He isn’t here! He has risen from the dead , look this is where His body has been buried . Go and tell His disciples including Peter that Jesus is going to Galilee ahead of everyone as He promised! **MARK 16 : 1 - 7**

Mary was standing outside the tomb crying, and as she wept, she stopped and looked in the tomb, she saw two white- robbed angels, one sitting at the head and the other at the foot of the place where the body of Jesus had been lying. “Dear woman, why are you crying?” the angel asked her, because they have taken away my Lord, she replied, and I don’t know where they have put him, she turned to leave and saw someone standing there. It was Jesus but she didn’t recognize him. “Dear woman, why are you crying?” Jesus asked her. Who are you looking for? She thought he was the gardener. Sir, she said, if you have taken him away, tell me where you have put him and I will go and get him. “Mary!” Jesus said . She turned to him and cried out, “Rabboni!” (which means Teacher in Hebrew language ). Don’t cling to me, I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go find my brothers and tell them, l am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God” **JOHN 20 : 11 – 17**

One of the twelve disciples, Thomas (nicknamed the Twin) was not with the others when Jesus appeared to them, they told him we have seen the Lord, He has resurrected, but he replied l won’t believe it until l see him with my eyes and then touch the wounds in His hands, put my fingers into them and place my hands into the wounds in His side. Eight days later after this argument from Thomas, the disciples were together with him, whilst the door was locked, then Jesus suddenly appeared before them and said to them peace be with you .Then He said to Thomas, put your fingers into my wounds in my hands and sides, don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!!! . Jesus resurrected without wounds but was only speaking in parables for Thomas to know He heard his vehement disbelief that He had resurrected. Then Thomas exclaimed yes my Lord, then Jesus said you believed because you have seen me, but blessed are those who believe without seeing me! **JOHN 20:24-29**

Jesus then promised them His Royal kingdom to his followers, you have stayed with me in my time of trials, so just as My Father granted me a Royal Kingdom , I now use my authority and have granted you the right to come to My Royal house or Kingdom to eat and drink at my table and sit on thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel. **LUKE 22:28-30**

Then He continued, God blessed you who are poor because the Kingdom of God is yours forever and ever! Blessed are you who are hungry now, for in due time you will be satisfied everlastingly, blessed are you who weep now, for in due time you will laugh perpetually . For great rewards awaits you in the Royal Kingdom of God. **Luke 6:20-21**

For the Royal Kingdom of God in Heaven is like the land owner who went out early morning to hire workers for his vineyard , he agreed to pay the normal daily wage and sent them out to work. At nine o` clock in the morning he was passing and saw more people standing around doing nothing so he employed them telling them he will pay them whatever is right at the end of the day (thus the daily wage`s),so they went to work in the vineyard. At noon and at three o`clock, he did the same thing. At the eleventh hour of the same day, he went out and saw more people and hired them to the vineyard to work for him again .Then he called the foreman to call the workers to pay them beginning with the last workers first . when those hired at the eleventh hour were paid first the same daily wage , those hired in the morning thought they will receive more but they were paid the same wage and they protested why they who worked from morning were also paid the same amount . He answered, l have not been unfair to you, did you not agreed to work all day and be paid the same wage? Take your money and go, l wanted to pay the last workers first, is it against the law what l want to do with my own money? Or do you begrudge my generosity or benevolence? So the last will be first and the first last, for many are called but few are chosen!!! **Mathew 20:1-16**









Haven’t finished with His words he went straight to sit on His Holly Throne at the powerful right hand of God! Mark 16:19 . so all who trust and believe in him will inherit his kingdom!


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