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This was how the Lord first called and sent me to ROYAL HOUSE CHARPLE.
I quote **1 Samuel 3:1-10** .which reads ; Meanwhile the boy Samuel served the Lord by assisting Eli, now in those days messages were very rare and visions were quite uncommon . One night Eli who was almost blind had gone to bed, The lamp of God had not yet gone out and Samuel was sleeping in the tabernacle near the ark of God, Suddenly the Lord called out Samuel , yes? Samuel replied, what is it? He got up and ran to Eli, here I am. Did you call me? I didn’t call you, Eli replied. Go back and sleep . So he did. Then the Lord called out again. Samuel! Again Samuel got up and went to Eli, hear I am. Did you call me? I didn’t call you so go back to bed. Samuel did not yet know the Lord because he had never had a message from the Lord before. So the Lord called a third time and once more Samuel got up and went to Eli, here I am, did you call me? Then Eli realized that it’s the Lord who was calling the boy, so he said to Samuel go and lie down again and if someone calls again say speak , Lord, your servant is listening , so Samuel went back to sleep . The Lord came and called again, Samuel ! Samuel! Then Samuel replied , speak your servant is listening.
I was firstly sent to the royal palace of Jesus Christ of Nazareth which is the royal house chapel of Rev Sam Korankye Ankrah to use my visitation to warn all Chiefs and Kings or any other person on earth who stands against Christian leaders who are Royals and leave royally in the royal houses of Jesus Christ of Nazareth which is our various chapels . Initially all chapels must be royal palace as a result of the royalties of Jesus as he been the king on earth , in heaven and under the earth . But obviously local rulers of the earth critically stands against churches which are the royal houses of Jesus been royal palace . Optimistically rulers on the earth are gallantly against the royalties of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, this is very incongruous , unscrupulous and tantamount to kowtow as far as the royalties of Jesus is concerned. They think succumbing to the royalties of Jesus on earth is been in slavery . Below is the quotation that was spiritually revealed to me before I spiritually went to royal house chapel in two thousand and eleven (2011) for the first time in my life and is a very frantic warning to Chiefs and Kings on earth .
. Thus ; Why are the nations so angry ? Why do they waist their time with futile plans ? The kings on earth prepared for battle; the rulers of earth plot together against the Lord and against his anointed one . Let’s break their chains,” they cry, and free our ourselves from slavery to Almighty God. But the one who rules in heaven laughs, the Lord scoffs at them, terrifying them with his fierce fury . The Lord declares, I have placed my chosen king on the throne in Jerusalem, * on my holly mountain . The KING proclaims the Lord`s decree, the Lord said to me, YOU are MY SON, to day I have become Your Father, only ask and I will give the nations as your inheritance, the whole earth as your possession. He will break them with an iron rod and smash them like clay pots. Now then, you kings on earth , act wisely, be warned you rulers on earth . Serve the Lord with reverent fear and rejoice with trembling. Submit to God`s Royal son,* or he will become angry and you will be destroyed in the midst of all your activities – for his anger flares up in an instant. But what joy for all who take refuge in him. **PSALM 2 : 1 - 12**
Here is the main point: We have a high priest who sat down in the place of honour beside the throne of majestic God in heaven. There he ministers in the heavenly Tabernacle,* the true place of worship that was built by the Lord and not by human hands. **HEBREWS 8 : 1 – 2 **
Yes Frankly speaking, there is offering`s in heaven tabernacle,* the true place of worship that was built by the Lord and not by human hands. It is required that all Christians must make offerings at the Royal Palace but must be from their hearts, it doesn’t matter how gargantuan it will be but what matters is that offerings must be from the heart .
And since every high priest is required to offer gifts and sacrifices, our high priest must make an offerings too. If he were here on earth, he would not be a priest since there are already priests who offer the gifts or offerings as required by the law. They serve in a system of worship that is only a copy, a shadow of the real one in heaven. For when Moses was getting ready to build the tabernacle, God gave him this warning, “be sure that you make everything according to the pattern I have shown you here on the mountain. But now Jesus Christ of Nazareth, our high priest has been given a ministry that is far superior to the old priesthood, for he is the one who mediates for us , a far better covenant with God, based on better promises . ** HEBREWS 8 : 3 – 6 **
Dynamic, optimistic, benevolent, exuberant or energetic brothers and sisters in Christ, It is very promulgated or conspicuous that all what Jesus went through was a matter of spiritualism and is spiritually and perpetually sitting on a throne at the powerful right hand side of God in heaven . He was not forsaken as Said on the cross which reads Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani which means when translated Father, Father why have you forsaken or abandoned me?
**MARK 15:33-34 **
God is in the body of Jesus on the cross and in our bodies. Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holly Spirit who leaves in you and was given to you by God? Your Body does not belong to yourself. For it was purchased by God at a gargantuan price, So you must honour God with your Body, worship him in spirit and in truth!!! **1 Corinthians 6: 19- 20 **
God is a spirit who leaves in our bodies, so those who warship him must worship him in spirit and in truth!!! **JOHN 4:24**
Once the spirit of God is in the body of Jesus Christ of Nazareth but he asked him on the cross why he has forsaken him means Jesus has not been truthful and sincere to God. When Peter told Jesus that he was prepared to go to prison with Him and even die with Him, Jesus replied , tomorrow before the rooster crows you will deny three times that you even know me. **Luke 22:33-34**
Truly Peter vehemently denied knowing Jesus Christ of Nazareth the first, second and third time and at that particular egregious moment for Peter the rooster crowed and Jesus turned to glance at him and he recuperated his fake promise to go to prison and die with Jesus which he did not fulfilled and he guiltily and shamelessly cried enormously by not been sincere and truthful to Jesus . **Luke 22:54-62**
It was the same thing that happened to Jesus when he went to heaven and sat at the powerful right hand side of God. He was given a Holly bible by God to read **Mark 15:33-34** which reads Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani which means when translated Father , Father why have you forsaken or abandoned me? Jesus realized he was not faithful and truthful to God and began to cry demanding for forgiveness from His Father about his lackadaisical and sheepish statement on the cross .
God is a King dressed with royal crowns or garments sitting on a holly throne in a royal house or kingdom in Heaven (psalm 47:8) whilst Jesus is also dressed in royal crowns or garments sitting at His right hand side ( Mark 16:19). So when He comes to His houses on earth which of course should be churches or chapels and are wrongly not royal houses and with the alter also unfortunately dressed with the symbol of the cross knowing that He is on a throne in the Kingdom of God and not on the cross , He remembers his sheepish words on the cross asking God why He has abandoned Him and cries. He gives with tears on earth. With this tangible and pragmatic reason, He always wants His houses on earth which are our churches or chapels to be Royals and the alter to be dressed with royal garments or crowns just as it is in His house in Heaven so that when he comes on earth he will not see the cross in his royal houses which will automatically tantalize him to remember his words on the cross uncharacteristically asking His Father why he has abandoned or forsaken him. The fact that if the alter is dressed only with the cross symbol represents the two criminals crucified on the cross cannot be disputed or overemphasized nor overestimated!!
In the crucifying , two others, both criminals were led out to be executed with Him (JESUS), when they came to a place called the skull,* they nailed him to the cross and the criminals were also crucified, one on his right hand and one on his left. Jesus said, father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing and the soldiers gambled for his cloths by throwing a dice. The crowd watched and the leaders scoffed, he saved others, they said let him save himself if he is really God`s Messiah, the chosen one. The soldiers mocked him too by offering him a drink of sour wine. They called out to him, “if you are the king of the Jews, save yourself! Interestingly, a sign was fastened above him with these words, this is the King of the Jews. The Criminal crucified beside his left hand side scoffed, “so you are the Messiah, are you? Prove it by saving yourself and us too while you’re at it! But the other criminal vigorously protested, “don`t you even fear God even when you have been sentence to die? We deserve to die for our crimes but he hasn’t done anything wrong. Then he said, “Jesus, remember me in Heaven when you go to your kingdom, and Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise!” ** LUKE 23 : 32 – 43 **
Conclusively, furiously and tantalizingly, Pilate asked Jesus, are you the King of the Jews? Jesus replied by saying you have just said it yourself? (LUKE 23 : 3). This is a plausible justification, authentication, confirmation and a conclusion that the two criminals who died with Jesus should be represented by the symbol of the cross whilst Jesus will be represented by a Royal crown. Obviously His royal house or Kingdom in heaven is fully dressed with royal crowns and garments and must be the same on earth!
Open up, ancient gates!
* open up ancient doors,
* and let the King of glory enter.
Who is the King of glory?
* The Lord, impregnable and mighty;
* the Lord, invincible in battle.
Open up, ancient gates!*
* open up ancient doors,
* and let the King of glory enter.
Who is the King of glory?
* The Lord of Heaven`s Armies-
He is the King of glory! **PSALM 24 : 7 - 10**
God said to KING JESUS, though you were *God* like me, you did not think of equality with me as something to cling to. Instead you gave up your divine and royal privileges and took the position of slavery and humble yourself in obedience to Me and catastrophically, pathetically, excruciatingly, painfully and shamefully died criminal`s death on the cross with criminals. Therefore, *"I God have elevated you to the place of highest honor and gave you the name above any other names. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven, on earth and under the earth and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is Lord to the glory of God your father.*" *PHILIPPINES 2 : 8 – 11*
You are the most handsome of all, gracious words streams from your lips. God himself has blessed you forever. Put on your sword, O mighty warrior! You are so glorious, so Majestic!! In your majesty, ride out to victory, defending the truth, humility and justice, go fourth to perform awe-inspiring deeds! Your arrows are sharp, piercing your enemies hearts. The nations fall beneath your feet. Your throne, O God endures forever and ever. You rule with a scepter of justice. You love justice and hate evil. Therefore, God your God has anointed you, pouring out the oil of joy on you more than on anyone else. Myrrh, aloes and cassia perfume your robes, in ivory palace, the music of strings entertains You.
**PSALM 45 : 2 - 8**
The Lord declares, He placed his chosen king on the throne in Jerusalem, * on his holly mountain. The KING proclaims the Lord`s decree, the Lord said to me , YOU are MY SON, to day I have become Your Father , only ask and I will give the nations as your inheritance, the whole earth as your possession
**PSALM 2 : 6-8** .
On your robe at your thigh*, your royal title is written: *”His Royal Majesty King Jesus; King of All Kings and Lord of all Lords!*” REVELATION 19 : 16.
Here is the main point: We have a high priest who sat down in the place of honor beside the throne of majestic God in heaven. There he ministers in the heavenly Tabernacle,* the true place of worship that was built by the Lord and not by human hands. **Hebrews 8 : 1 -2**
I JESUS, have sent my angels to give you this message for the churches. I am both the source of David and the heir to his throne. I am the bright morning star. **REVELATION 22 : 16**
Submit to God`s royal son* or He will become angry, and you will be destroyed in the midst of all your activities, for his anger flares up instant. But what joy for all who take refuge in Him. **PSALM 2 : 12**

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