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King Agbotadua Vorsah War Throne Secretariat,
Private Mail Bag 5, Mafi-Adiddome.
25/01/ 2020.
Dear Most Reverend Sam Korankye Ankrah,
This is good news about Jesus the Messiah, the son of God. It began just as the prophet Isaiah had writing; Look, I am sending my messenger ahead of you,*
and he will prepare your way, He is a voice shouting in the wilderness! prepare the roads for the Lord`s coming!! * Clear the roads for Him!”* MARK 1 : 1 - 3
For a child is born to us , a son is given to us, the government will rest on his shoulders and he will be called : Wonderful counselor ,* Mighty God , Everlasting Father and a Prince of peace. His government and it’s peace will never end, He will rule with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor King David for all eternity. The passionate commitment of the Lord of heaven armies will make this happen! ISAIAH 9: 6 – 7
The Lord will give him the throne of his ancestor King David. And he will reign over Israel Forever! “*His kingdom will never end!!!”* LUKE 1 : 32 - 33.
The Lord declares, He have placed His chosen king on the throne in Jerusalem, * on His holly mountain. The KING proclaims the Lord`s decree, the Lord said to me , YOU are MY SON, to day I have become Your Father , only ask and I will give the nations as your inheritance , the whole earth as your possession!
PSALM 2 : 6-8 .
On your robe at your thigh*, your royal title is written: *”His Royal Majesty King Jesus; King of All Kings and Lord of all Lords!!!*” \
Look, I am coming soon, bringing my reward with me to repay all people according to their deeds. I am the Alpha and the Omega. The First and the last, the Beginning and the End, Blessed are those who wash their robes. They will be permitted to enter through the royal gates of the royal city and eat the fruit from the tree of life. Out side the city will be the dogs-the sorceress, the sexually immoral, the murders, the idol worshipers and all who tell lies.
I, His Royal Majesty KING JESUS; King of all Kings and Lord of all Lords have sent my Angels to give you this message for the churches. I am both the source of David and the heir to his royal throne. I am the bright morning star. The Alpha and Omega! REVELATION 22 : 12 - 16
His Royal Majesty King Jesus was in the center of the procession and the people all around him were shouting, “ praise God!”* Blessings on King Jesus who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessings on the coming Kingdom of our ancestor King David!! “ Praise God in highest heaven!”* MARK 11 : 8 -10
Rev Sam Korankye Ankrah, the view that the Lord have sent me to your church on four categorical ways as a sign to promulgate his royalties to other churches cannot be overestimated or overemphasized! These first occurred between February to May, 2011 and on three consecutive weeks starting from the week of celebrating the resurrection of King Jesus during the "2016" Easter Festival.
Here is the main point: We have a high priest who sat down in the place of honor beside the royal throne of majestic God in heaven. There he ministers in the heavenly Tabernacle,* the true and royal place of worship that was built by the Lord and not by human hands. HEBREWS 8 : 1 -2
The heavenly Tabernacle built by the Lord; the true place of worship is royally, since the high priest sat down in the place of honor beside the royal throne of majestic God and is also the heir to the throne of King David. Therefore, all of his Tabernacles or houses on earth must be royal which is conspicuous to very few of his ministers who minister's on his behalf on earth which is very worrisome to the high priest in heaven!
The ministers on earth serve in a system of worship that is only a copy, a shadow of the real one in heaven. For when Moses was getting ready to build the tabernacle, God gave him this warning, “be sure that you make everything according to the pattern I have shown you on the mountain. HEBREWS 8:5
Open up, ancient gates!
Open up ancient doors,
and let the King of glory enter!
Who is the King of glory?
The Lord, impregnable and Mighty;
the Lord, invisible in battle.
Open up, ancient gates!
Open up, ancient doors,
and let the King of glory enter!
Who is the King of glory?
The Lord of Heaven's Armies!
He is the King of glory! PSALM 24 :7-10
Being very acclimatized to soliloquies, I rhetorically queried myself; if Reverend Sam Korankye Ankrah, open a royal gate to the King, what about the others? It is an undisputable fact that about 99.9% christian ministers on earth will open ordinary gates for the king but not royal gates upon which "red cross" will be used as a symbol of the King and not *"ROYAL CROWNS OR GARMENTS."*
Rev Sam Korankye Ankrah, the view that the Lord have spiritually and royally sent me to your church on four categorical ways as a sign to promulgate his royalties to other churches and how to inherit His Kingdom cannot be overestimated or overemphasized! These first occurred between February to May, 2011 and on three consecutive weeks starting from the week of celebrating the resurrection of King Jesus, during the "2016" Easter Festival.
The first visitation which occurred between April to June, 2011 and has been spiritually revealed to me is to become the Royal Ambassador to King Jesus Royalties so as to promulgate the royalties of King Jesus to the world after locating my Throne through your church! (ROYAL HOUSE CHAPEL).
The second visitation which occurred in the 2016 celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is a spiritual and royal direction to have a perpetual covenant with Royal House Chapel so that all chiefs and queen mothers of Mafi Royal Kingdom ( Mafi Traditional Area) to be the Royal guests of honor at every Easter Church Service of Resurrection of Jesus Christ for spiritual and royal empowerment from generation to generations.
The third which was a week after the Easter Church Service of Resurrection of Jesus Christ in 2016 is to tell about those who can inherit the Kingdom of God. Don’t you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, or who worship idols, or commit adultery, or are male prostitutes, or practice homosexuality or lesbianism, or are thieves, or greedy people, or drunkards, or are abusive, or cheat people – none of these people will inherit the kingdom of God!
** 1 CORINTHIANS 6 : 9 - 10!**
However, it is also to promulgate how those who went to hell but did not inherit the Kingdom of God are suffering.
Jesus said, “ there was a certain rich man who was splendidly clothed in purple and fine linen and lived each day in luxury”. At his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus who was covered with sores. As Lazarus lay there longing for scraps from the rich man’s table, the dogs would come and lick his open sores. Finally Lazarus died and was royally and majestically carried by the Angels of the Lord to be with Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried and his soul went to hell. There in torment, he saw Abraham in a far distant with Lazarus at his side. The rich man shouted, Father Abraham, have some pity on me! Send Lazarus over to dip the tip of his finger in water to cool my tongue. I am in anguish in this flames. But Abraham said to him, son, remember that during your lifetime you had everything you wanted and Lazarus had nothing. So now he is here being comforted and you are in anguish. Besides, there is a great chasm separating us. No one can cross over to you from here and no one can cross over to us from there. Then the rich man said, please, Father Abraham, at least send him to my father’s home. For I have five brothers and I want him (Lazarus) to warn them so they don’t end up in this place of torment. “**But Abraham said Moses and the prophets have warned them. Your brothers can read what they wrote.**” The rich man replied! No, Father Abraham! If someone is sent to them from the dead, then they will repent of their sins and turn to God. But Abraham said if they won’t listen to Moses and the prophets, they won’t listen even if someone rises from the dead. **LUKE 16 : 19 - 31**
God have sent me through your church, ROYAL HOUSE CHAPEL to warn the world once again, more especially political leaders who are endorsing and legalizing homosexuality and lesbianism which automatically homosexuals and lesbians together with those legalizing it who will end up in hell. Tens of thousands are ending up in hell as a result of homosexuality and lesbianisms.
Reverend Sam Korankye Ankrah, I wish if you could temper justice with magnanimous so as to be humble in your vastitude by given me the videos of your church services at Royal House Chapel at Obitsebi Lamptey Circle which I have categorically stated above.
Without keeping myself on tenterhooks, and as my installation as His Royal Majesty; King Agbotadua Vorsah I which will come off during this year`s Easter Festival , I will use these videos to begin my spiritual ambassadorial work as the *"ROYAL AMBASSADOR TO THE ROYALTIES OF KING JESUS! counting on your usual co-operations!
Jesus promised His Royal kingdom to his followers, you have stayed with me in my time of trials, so just as My Father granted me a Royal Kingdom , I now use my authority and have granted you the right to come to My Royal house or Kingdom to eat and drink at my table and sit on thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel. **LUKE 22:28-30**
I want to officially and royally inform you through the Holy Spirit that your beloved mother is received royally in heaven on a Throne as a Queen Mother after her untimely death. My fourth and last spiritual and royal visitation to your church was when you preached about the Role of Women which was obviously a week to Her Royal Burial service!.
A year after Israel`s departure from Egypt, the Lord spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai. In the first month* of that year, he said, “tell the Israelites to celebrate the Passover festival at the prescribed time, at twilight on the fourteenth day of the first month. *Be sure to follow all my decrees and regulations concerning this festival celebration.” So Moses told the people to celebrate the Passover festival celebration in the wilderness of Sinai as twilight fell on the fourteenth day of the month and they celebrated the festival there just as the Lord has commanded Moses. ** NUMBERS 9 : 1 – 5. **
I also wish to inform you that my spiritual visitations to Royal House Chapel will lead to a new Festival Celebration in the Mafi Traditional Area which will be entitled as Mafi Royal Kingdom War Festival and will come off during each and every Easter Festival Celebration as directed by the Lord of Heaven’s Armies! This is to remember how the Lord of Heaven’s Armies delivered the Ancient Ancestors of the people of Mafi Traditional Area from the hands of the wicked king agorkorli in Nortse and the series of wars they have been encountered with like the Israelis suffered from the hands of the Egyptians. As at now Mafi Traditional Area consist of approximately five hundred towns and villages.
More essentially, all Chiefs and Queen Mothers will be Royal and Spiritual guests of honor after Mafi War Festival Celebration to bow before the Royal Throne of King Jesus during every Easter Festival Celebration of the resurrection of King Jesus as continuity of my ambassadorial work as Royal Ambassador to the royalties of King Jesus.
Yours faithful in Christ,
( Lord Lawrence Amaglo).
Reverend Sam Korankye Ankrah's mother welcomed in the Kingdom of heaven!
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